December 17, 2019 - December 17, 2019 | Taipei, Taiwan

UL 前進墨西哥研討會
掌握 NOM 認證最新法規動態最佳起手式!

2018_Calendar_Icon_Red_web.png 20191217 日‧星期二 | 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
2018_MAP_Icon_Red_web.png UL 北投訓練教室 | 捷運奇岩站 | MAP


2019 年全球認證市場最沸騰的其一大事,莫過於墨西哥政府正加強 NOM 認證的監管力度 ── 該國自 2019 年六月開始,正式移除先前 NOM 證書所豁免的進口產品,同時所有進口墨西哥的強制性管制產品,在清關時都應提供相關的 NOM 符合性證明。

此一政令的推出,影響所及的產業幾乎是全面性。UL 已是墨西哥 NOM 認證的專家,對於該認證體系的關注當仁不讓,並且持續將最新變動適時與產業製造商溝通,以幫助客戶保持最佳競爭動能。因應 NOM 認證在今年的重大變動,值歲末之際,我們將加碼舉辦2019 UL 前進墨西哥研討會》,特別邀請來自墨西哥的專家分享最新、最關鍵的法規動態。

本研討會適用所有已經或正計畫將產品推入墨西哥市場的所有產業。機會難得,名額有限,為免費報名,請即早點擊下方報名完成線上報名 (報名截止日:2019-12-11 或額滿為止)。

特別注意:由於 NOM 認證的變動,資訊類產品首當其衝,因此我們特別於 1218 日另加開專門的場次,歡迎電子科技 (資訊類產品) 產業類廠商按此報名本場

Zen Chen| T: 886.2.7737.3000 x62756 / E:

 時間  議程
 為何選擇我們 ── UL 介紹
 Introduction to UL  

 Mexican Regulatory Changes – Are You Ready?              

 UL 的 NOM 認證內容及現代化服務模組
 UL NOM Service Delivery & Transformation 



Fabián Santillán is the Regional Operations Manager for the appliances, HVAC/R and lighting division in Latin America.

After majoring in Electronic Systems Engineering from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Estado de México Campus (ITESM CEM), Fabián joined UL in early 2004 and has now 15 years of experience in the conformity assessment space.

Within UL, Fabián has worked in different roles associated with Engineering services (evaluator and reviewer in safety, energy efficiency and sanitation schemes – NOM Mark and UL Mark), Field Engineering (product inspections at manufacturing sites), Lead Auditor and Lead Auditor qualifier (data acceptance programs) as well as certified UL University trainer for various skills and behavior development programs.

In 2017, Fabián completed the Global Leadership Program with UL University, which is an executive management program for UL global leaders.

Junior, Jose S. is the Operations Manager for the consumer technology division in Latin America, currently located in the UL Brazil office.

Jose joined UL in 2002 and have +25 years’ experience with regulatory affairs and conformity assessment schemes; having served in different roles within the organization such as engineering services as evaluator and reviewer for safety and energy efficiency – INMETRO and UL Mark scheme, Field Engineering as well as a certified UL University trainer.


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2. 現場報名者,主辦單位將視現場狀況保有開放進場與否之權力。
3. 活動若適逢天災 (地震、颱風等) 不可抗拒之因素,取消或延期舉辦,時間另行通知。
4. 若因不可預測之突發因素,主辦單位得保留展期間所有活動內容及研討會課程變更權力。
5. 本研討會恕不接受同業的報名參加。
6. 主辦單位保留報名資格的審核權力,並將於活動前以 email 方式寄發「報到通知單」。