[全球法規動態] 墨西哥新測試標準 PROY-NOM-208-SCFI-2016 預計 2017 年第一季開始實施
更新墨西哥新測試標準PROY-NOM-208-SCFI-2016 實施時程。
適用工作於 2400-2483.5MHz、5725-5850MHz 及 902-928MHz 頻帶之無線產品的新標準。
NOM-208-SCFI-2016 已在2016年九月正式公告於墨西哥官方公報,經60天審閱期即可正式實施並取代舊標準 NOM-121 及 NOM-EM-016。而新標準實施時程目前預計將在 2017 年第一季開始實施。
在新標準NOM-208-SCFI-2016正式實施前之過渡期 ,適用方案如下:
- Certificate applied under NOM-121 or NOM-EM-016 and marked “Definitivo” would be still available. Furthermore, such certificates could be renewed but could not be applied for alternate change
- Certificate applied under NOM-EM-016 that is marked, “Provisional” will expire on anniversary of its issue date. It could not renewed and have to be re-certified to keep its availability
- Because NOM-208 is not yet in effect, current application would be put under the Disposición Técnica IFT-008-2015. But, such a certificate may be requested to re-certified after NOM-208 is fully implemented
後續如有發佈任何訊息,UL GMA Taiwan會持續追踨更新。