August, 2022

泰國工業標準協會 (Thai Industrial Standards Institute- TISI) 於 2022 年 6 月 24 日發布公告,宣布〝TIS 62368 Part 1-2563 〞標準為強制性標準,標準〝 TIS 1195-2536 〞證書將於 2022 年 12 月 21 日自動撤銷。生效日期分為兩階段:

  • 產品項目 (1) 至 (19) :2022 年 12 月 21 日。
  • 產品項目 (20) : 2023 年 10 月 17 日。



  1. radio receiver industry products
  2. television receiver industry products
  3. signal amplifier industry products
  4. disc player industrial products
  5. video game consoles
  6. wireless microphone receivers
  7. radio receiver industry products
  8. television receiver industry products
  9. satellite receiver industry products
  10. loudspeaker industry products with signal amplification
  11. signal converter industry products
  12. signal modifier industry products
  13. audio mixer industry products
  14. electronic musical instrument industry products
  15. audio and video players
  16. audio and video receivers via the Internet
  17. cable television receiver industry products
  18. audio and video converter
  19. electrical power supplies for electronic appliances used with Industrial products Article 2 (1) – (18)
  20. electrical power supplies for mobile phones and tablets






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