阿聯酋電信監管局 (The UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority- TRA) 近日強調電信設備測試樣品之要求。

產品於遞交Type Approval申請後,阿聯酋電信監管局 (TRA) 有可能要求提供 2 台測試樣品進行審查,且提供之樣品需符合下列 Type Approval 第 4.5 節之要求,以免因樣品審查而導致申請程序延誤。

  • A version enabled and prepared for technical testing.
    (Note: it is conducted sample and main for mobile phone according to our understanding).
  • A version of the equipment intended to be offered on the market – the commercial version.


* 如需轉載煩請註明出處 *